Childhood Hunger Resident Engagement Survey

Montgomery County Strategic Plan to End Childhood Hunger
Resident Engagement Survey:
Please help Us Spread the Word!

The Food Council has launched a short, 16-question Montgomery County Childhood Hunger survey collecting input from residents to guide new strategies to end hunger among children and youth. 

Please help us share the information below with local residents (including program participants, clients, neighbors, local listservs, community groups, and more) through flyers, e-newsletters, social media, and on your website. 

We want to ensure that this survey reaches as many residents as possible so as to inform program implementation, policy development, and future funding priorities.

The priority deadline for survey responses is Sunday, September 11, 2022. The survey is available in English and Spanish.

Residents who complete the survey will be entered in a drawing to win one of forty $25 gift cards to a local grocery store.  The information collected through the survey will remain confidential and will be used only by our organization to improve food access in the county.

The survey is available for preview: English and Español

Suggested Social Media Language (English)

Facebook: @MoCoFoodCouncil has developed a Montgomery County Childhood Hunger Survey to collect input from County residents that will help us understand food access challenges that children and youth are currently facing. Please visit to complete the survey and share your feedback. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Instagram (please include graphics in English/Español below): @mocofoodcouncil has developed a Montgomery County Childhood Hunger Survey to gain a better understanding of the food access challenges that children and youth are currently facing. Please visit to complete the survey and share your feedback. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Twitter: Have you been having difficulty feeding your family? Share your feedback with the @MoCoFoodCouncil here:

Lenguaje De Media Social Sugerido (Español)

Facebook: La consejería de comida del condado de Montgomery ha creado una encuesta sobre el hambre infantil en el condado para recopilar información que nos ayudará a comprender los desafíos de acceso a los alimentos que enfrentan actualmente los niños y los jóvenes. Visite para completar la encuesta y compartir sus comentarios. Comuníquese con [email protected] si tienes preguntas.

Instagram (please include graphics in English/Español below): La consejería de comida del condado de Montgomery ha creado una encuesta sobre el hambre infantil en el condado para recopilar información que nos ayudará a comprender los desafíos de acceso a los alimentos que enfrentan actualmente los niños y los jóvenes. Visite para completar la encuesta y compartir sus comentarios. Comuníquese con [email protected] si tienes preguntas.

Twitter: ¿Ha estado teniendo dificultades para alimentar a su familia? Comparte sus comentarios con @MoCoFoodCouncil aquí:



Upcoming Events

Feb 21

Annual MoCo Food Producers’ Forum

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Feb 26

Workshop Two: Sales Strategy & Pitching

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Feb 27

Equitable Land Access Working Group – February

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Mar 12

HarvestShare webinar on “Food Gardening on a Warming Planet”

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