Local Food System Jobs

Below are job openings with our partner organizations and other local organizations and offices, listed in order of newest to oldest. Click the linked text to learn more about the job listing and how to apply:

STEP (Service workers Training and Education Partnership)

Prince George’s County Food Equity Council

Love & Carrots

To apply, send your resume and a cover letter to garden@loveandcarrots.com.

The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission

Dreaming Out Loud

Click here to apply to the jobs listed above.

Manna Food Center

Please check back every few weeks for updates! Email info@mocofoodcouncil.org if you have a job opening you would like to share.

Upcoming Events

Apr 25

Equitable Land Access Working Group Meeting

Join us on Thursday, April 25th, 11am-12pm, for a meeting of the Equitable Land Access Working Group. We will be discussing the potential of farm incubator and community programming in the County, where beginning farmers are given the land, tools, and support they need to flourish. Additionally, we will learn about farmland preservation efforts in the County, and learn about USDA's recent initiatives and opportunities to promote local and regional food systems. We plan to have a lively discussion to learn more, and to connect to and fuel the momentum of these exciting efforts.

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Apr 27

Montgomery County Green Fest

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Apr 30

Local Food Procurement Working Group

Join our local food procurement working group on April 30th at 11am-12:30pm. During this meeting we will hear from local retailers, Troy Sexton, Category Manager at Common Market and Mike Leveille, Fresh Category Manager at Common Market as they share industry insider knowledge on what retailers are looking for in a product when stocking shelves. You do not want to miss this! We will also go over sell sheet examples and share a template for local businesses to make their own. We hope to see you there!

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