We are gearing up to launch the 2017 Montgomery County Food and Beverage Guide, which will be bigger and better than ever before! The first edition of the Guide, which was published in September 2016, was a first-of-its kind Montgomery County resource featuring packaged goods, beverages, desserts and confections created by food and beverage artisans located or headquartered in Montgomery County. The enhanced 2017 Guide will include farms in Montgomery County and will feature an expanded list of value-added products. By including farms, we hope to make it easier for businesses and consumers to source fresh ingredients locally. In addition, when your business registers to participate in the Guide, you are also automatically granted access to the new MoCo Made logo, which you may download and print to use on your product packaging, website, signage and marketing materials.
Distribution of the guide will significantly increase as well. We will be printing 5,000 copies–ten times the amount of guides printed last year–and distributing them around the County at grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, farmers markets, restaurants, and more. We are also developing a searchable online database and an online interactive map.
Because of this year’s broader reach, the new online content, and the complimentary use of the MoCo Made logo, it costs $25 to list your business information in the 2017 guide. Please note that the Montgomery County Food and Beverage Guide is limited to farms in Montgomery County and food and beverage businesses with their headquarters or production facilities in Montgomery County.
Register now! Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity. To be included in 2017’s Guide, please take less than 10 minutes to complete the form linked here and submit payment online.
The deadline to participate is August 4, 2017.