Food Security Community Advisory Board Impact Report

The Food Council launched the Food Security Community Advisory Board (FSCAB) in December 2018 to directly engage residents with lived experience of food insecurity as food access resource navigators, advocates, and leaders in their communities. Click here to view the impact report.

The diverse community voices of these County residents are critical to developing programs and policies directed by the expertise of those who have been most marginalized by our food system. The expertise contributed by Board members is essential to assessing food security programs in the County and identifying food access barriers that remain to be addressed. This report highlights the tremendous impact that FSCAB members have made on food security initiatives and advocacy in our community. We are honored to uplift the recommendations of Board members for key policy changes that nonprofits, government agencies, and individual residents should implement as our community works collectively towards a more food secure Montgomery County.

Please email if you have any questions!

Thank you to the Healthcare Initiative Foundation for supporting this program!

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