The Montgomery County Food Council focuses on coordinating many groups who focus on food in order to find efficiency and synergy. We encourage you to volunteer with us if you’d like to contribute to fostering a more sustainable, equitable food system in Montgomery County.

Available Volunteer Resources

Community Farm Share

Visit the Montgomery County Volunteer Center and enter search terms such as “food,” “hunger,” “farms,” “local food,” and “composting.” The Volunteer Center works in partnership with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to maintain the database of organizations that have been pre-approved by MCPS for Student Service Learning (SSL).

Reserve a time: Go to and click contact us and send an email with your preferred time (no calls please).

Interfaith Works

Community Food Rescue

Crossroads Community Food Network

Manna Food Center

Milk Lady Markets

Real Food For Kids – Montgomery

Young Chefs Inc.

Family Services, Inc.