Thank you to our partners and supporters for their continued contributions to our work. Read on for more information about our achievements in July 2021!
Community Engagement and Network Building:
During the month of July, the Food Council hosted over 15 meetings attended by nearly 300 community members, including four working group meetings, two Food Security Community Calls, one virtual training, and advocacy discussions with local elected officials. In total, the Food Council participated in over 65 community engagements this July connecting with over 300 local residents, businesses, nonprofits, and government leaders.
Food Security:
- Through our bi-weekly Food Security Community Calls, the Montgomery County Food Council provided food assistance organizations with information and resources on obtaining fresh produce. Cheryl Kollin of the Community Food Rescue program at Manna Food Center, presented updates on ways providers can receive fresh produce and other supplies through CFR membership. Heather Hulsey, the Maryland Market Money Program & Grants Manager at Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, gave an overview of the Maryland Market Money program and the benefits available at Montgomery County farmers markets for individuals receiving federal nutrition assistance. Dalila Boclin, Director of Development at FRESHFARMS shared information about its pop-up food distribution program that connects farmers with community based organizations in need of fresh food supplies. Alexandria Williams provided an overview of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children (WIC) and the administration of that program in Montgomery County by CCI Health and Wellness, Inc.
- Our Food Security Community Call also featured Sabrina Tadele, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) who provided an overview of the CAFB 2021 Hunger Report and demonstrated how to use its open-sourced interactive data features.
- The Food Council facilitated direct connections between AmeriGroup and CHEER, to connect a potential donor of supplies to CHEER’s food security and public health efforts.
- Virtual Trainings:
- On July 22nd, the Food Council partnered with Nonprofit Montgomery and Sharp Insight to conduct a 90-minute virtual training session entitled “Demystifying Data Collection.” This program, attended by 39 people, provided an overview of the importance of data collection in a food assistance setting and measures that food assistance organizations could employ to respectfully, accurately, and efficiently collect the data needed to demonstrate impact.
Working Group Meetings:
- The July Food Education Working Group meeting was held on Tuesday, July 27th. The meeting was attended by 36 individuals and featured three presentations from local recipients of the Resident and Community Garden Grants, Vietnamese American Services, Afrithrive, Inc., and Islamic Society of the Washington Area. Grantees highlighted their projects, current status, and impact on local community members.
- The Food Economy Working Group hosted the first in-person meeting of the year on July 28th, at Lone Oak Brewing Co. FEWG members were able to mix and mingle with each other while supporting a local MoCo Made business.
- The Gardening Subcommittee co-chairs and staff had a planning meeting to develop an agenda for our August meeting, which will focus on summer planting successes and planting tips for late summer and early fall crops
- The Environmental Impact Working group hosted a series recap in which stakeholders and community members discussed the various aspects of food waste reduction and composting education. Topics discussed included Setting the Table, Food Recovery and Rescue, On-Farm Composting, Expanding Commercial Composting and Community Composting. Each presentation resulted in the provision of key recommendations and best practices, which included identifying barriers that prevent composting and food recovery, community education, and obtaining regular updates on policy relating to the series.
- SNAP Outreach Program: Food Council staff participated in the monthly Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) Workgroup meeting on July 28, 2021. Jacqueline Turner of Maryland Department of Human Services shared resources about the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Tax Credit for 2021. Adrienne Bennett of Maryland Department of Human Services shared resources on rent relief and assistance for tenants due to the federal eviction moratorium that ended on July 31. Members of the meeting discussed the need to make veterans, homeless, and persons with disabilities a priority for SNAP outreach.
Food Security Community Advisory Board (FSCAB) activities:
- The Food Security Community Advisory Board met on July 15th for the board’s quarterly meeting. Evelyn Kelly, Program Director of Institute for Public Health Initiative ran a training on advocating and testifying to elected officials. Montgomery County Planning Department spoke about their planning process on the 2023 Fairland and Briggs Chaney Master Plan. FSCAB board members shared their concerns about the recent increase in food prices and how packaging contains less product. FSCAB board members also shared the high fees and tips associated with buying online groceries and allowing food stamps to be used to purchase prepared hot foods.
Racial Equity Committee:
- The Racial Equity Committee met on Tuesday, July 23rd. For the first time, the meeting was open to all Food Council staff as well as committee members. The meeting consisted of reviewing and clarifying the committee’s purpose and goals, discussing strategies for dissipating findings to the Council and committee, and potential education topics for upcoming meetings. The committee also evaluated its decision-making processes and purpose for informing the work of the Food Council.
Policy Committee:
- The Policy Committee is currently in the planning stages for two upcoming events, a Legislator Breakfast in late September, and an Advocacy 101 event in late October.
- Heather continues to serve as Co-Chair of the Maryland Food System Resiliency Council and is actively working on the Maryland Food System Resiliency Plan.
- The Food Council assisted in drafting the Food Security and Resilience section of the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan.
Thanks to all of our partners for continuing to support our efforts! Check back next month for another update. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.