Do you and your family love healthy, seasonal produce? Are you interested in supporting your local agricultural community and food system? Then a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program might be a great option for you! Multiple MoCo Made farms offer CSA programs, with options for on-farm pickup, farmers market pickup, and other convenient, affordable ways to get a WEEKLY supply of delicious, fresh local vegetables and herbs!
- Common Root Farm
- About: Common Root Farm is a certified organic vegetable farm located in Derwood, MD. Common Root specializes in growing nutrient dense vegetables packed with flavor and freshness. The Farm offers on-farm pick up on Tuesdays or pick-up at the Olney Farmers Market on Sundays. There are full or partial share options available with some flexibility to meet each family’s needs.
- Sign Up: To learn more about Common Root Farm’s CSA program or to sign up, please visit:
- Contact: Please contact Erica at [email protected] or (301) 639-8316 with questions or for more information.
- About: Sandy Spring Gardens is a 10-acre farm located in Ashton, Maryland, growing a diverse variety of fresh-market vegetables, using no synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides, for sale at Friends House Retirement Community, the Olney Farmers and Artists Market, to Manna Food Center’s Farm-to-Food-Bank program, and through our own CSA program. We also are a primary supplier to Community FarmShare, a non-profit that supplies fresh food deliveries to food-insecure families in Montgomery County. We emphasize “Hyper-Local,” and “Hyper-fresh,” selling only in Montgomery County and delivering products to our customers at the peak of freshness. CSA pick-ups are Friday noon at Friends House, Friday afternoon at the farm, and Sunday at the Olney Farmers Market.
- Sign Up: https:// - Contact: Tom Farquhar: 240-357-2609 or [email protected]
Love and Grit Farm partnering with East Rivendell Farm
- About: We are a cooperative CSA program of two farms using natural growing practices (chemical-free) to produce an offering of 25 weeks of freshly harvested and wide-varying fruit and veg lasting from May through October with three options for pick up location and time as well as a pick-your-own herb garden. Other offerings include access to fresh eggs, whole chickens, and pork shares for all members. All areas served! but largely Gaithersburg, Germantown, Damascus, and Clarksburg
- Sign Up: or far
[email protected]
- Contact: Kristan Rydland, farmer@loveandgrit.
- About: The Crossroads Community Food Network multifarm CSA program offers a mixed box of items from Crossroads Farmers Market producers, including vegetables, fruit, eggs, and more. Participants can pick up their CSA share at the Crossroads Farmers Market, which is held every Wednesday from 11am-3pm, or at a variety of other sites in the Takoma Park area.
- Sign Up: Please visit:
- Contact:Please contact Liz at lwhitehurst@
crossroadscommunityfoodnetwork .org with questions or for more information.
- Dodo Farms
- About: Dodo Farms is a certified Naturally Grown Produce Farm in Brookeville. Dodo Farms grows a wide variety of seasonal vegetables such as spinach, kale, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, beets, tomato, peppers, arugula, raspberry, blackberry, collard greens, cabbage, lettuce and so much more. Dodo Farms is committed to supplying members of the community with fairly priced, fresh and naturally grown produce, free of GMO seeds, pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers that are planted and harvested in Dodo Farms in Brookeville, Maryland.
- Sign Up: Complete the sign up form at:, or at:
72ZgVy7BRixGCZth9. - Contact: Please email [email protected] with questions or for more information.
- Eat the Rainbow Farm
- About: Our CSA runs for 30 weeks, from April 5 to October 28. You will receive at least $25 worth of vegetables each week throughout the season. Members are responsible for being available for their selected pick up/delivery day and time.
- Sign Up: Go to
- Contact: [email protected]
- Koiner Farm (**UPDATE AS OF 4/22: Koiner’s CSA Program is now full and no longer accepting new members. Thank you to those who signed up!)
- About: Koiner Farm is offering a hyper-local CSA program to residents who live within 1/2 mile of the farm. Half of the shares are being donated to the food distribution program at Takoma Park MS, a partnership organized by Difference Makers.
- One Acre Farm
- About: One Acre Farm is a diversified vegetable Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm growing on 7-acres in the heart of the Agriculture Reserve in Dickerson, MD. One Acre adheres to Certified Naturally Grown standards and prioritizes soil health, as well as paying farm workers fair and livable wages.
- Sign Up: Learn more about One Acre Farm’s CSA at Be sure to check out the FAQ page and when ready to sign-up, click the banner that reads “Enroll Now”. To see what the Farm is up to as the season progresses, follow them on Instagram, @oneacrefarmmd.
- Contact: Please contact Sophia, Farm Coordinator, at [email protected] with questions or for more information.
- Red Wiggler Community Farm **UPDATE AS OF 4/21: Red Wiggler’s CSA Program is now full and no longer accepting new members. Thank you to those who signed up!
- About: Red Wiggler is a sustainable farm where adults with and without developmental differences come together to work, learn, and grow healthy food. Our 3 part CSA provides certified organic produce to food banks, group homes, and our local community. Membership includes weekly on-farm pickups and pick-your-own herbs and flowers.
- Sign Up: For dates, prices, and registration visit
- Contact: Please email [email protected], or call 310-916-2216 with questions or for more information.
- The Farm at Our House
- About: The Farm at Our House is a certified organic farm with two pick up locations- one on the farm in Brookeville and the other in the College Gardens neighborhood in Rockville. The members select the produce they desire from our grocery store styled CSA and farm representatives assist with recipe and storage ideas. The 2020 CSA will include two seasons, each 12 weeks, fall and summer. The summer
season begins Wednesday, June 10th at the farm and Thursday, June 11th in Rockville. A full share will get you 8 vegetable items (we define the quantities) and 2 fruit items.
- Sign Up: Use the Google Form linked here for more information and to sign up.
- Contact: Please email [email protected] with questions or for more information.
- About: The Farm at Our House is a certified organic farm with two pick up locations- one on the farm in Brookeville and the other in the College Gardens neighborhood in Rockville. The members select the produce they desire from our grocery store styled CSA and farm representatives assist with recipe and storage ideas. The 2020 CSA will include two seasons, each 12 weeks, fall and summer. The summer
For a full list of Montgomery County CSA programs, please click here.